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June 2023 Sub S Bank Report
Sub S Bank Report April 2022
The Sub S Bank Report
Benefits Of Membership
Members of the Subchapter S Bank Association have a tremendous advantage over banks who go it alone. We help you stay on top of regulations, recent developments, provide representation before Congress, and more. It’s just a smarter way to do banking.

In recent years, virtually every aspect of the community banking industry has been under scrutiny by legislators and regulators. Unfortunately, S corporation taxation is no exception. The Subchapter S Bank Association is the only organization specifically focused on protecting the benefits you enjoy as an S corporation.
Although some time has passed since financial institutions were first allowed to be organized as S corporations, S taxation is still an entirely new world to many. Let us help your shareholders and senior management better understand the many benefits of S taxation and how you can use them to maximize your financial institution’s performance.
How are the changing legislative and regulatory landscapes going to affect the way you do business as an S corporation? That is the primary question that the Subchapter S Bank Association strives to answer with its publications. Via the web, member emails and print publications, we are committed to giving you the resources you need to stay informed and in front of new challenges.